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July 1, 2018


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Reading time: 6 min.

Powersheets review yet again! I get a little all-American nerdy at the beginning of July, plus, it’s pretty much New Year’s Day #2.

Each fresh start of the month, I’ll be telling you an update on my goals, and including what went on last month—there’s a whole playlist of these on the YouTube channel … click here to subscribe!

July Powersheets update

As a quick backgrounder, each month I post my Powersheets review goals—save a few details and things I keep private—for two reasons: to give ideas and encourage other women, since back in 2015, I needed someone to show ME how to set normal-people goals while I was in recovery for mental illness issues, and to hold me accountable to the person I claim to be online.

Past posts in the series:

Let’s go!

Powersheets Progress: June Recap

Here we go! This year, my Powersheets review goals updates have a new home on the YouTube channel! You can watch the latest installment above, and subscribe to the full playlist over here. >

Welp, the cat’s finally out of the bag: I’m pregnant! The past two goal updates, I wanted to shout from the rooftop that I’m doing the best I can considering I now sleep for 12 hours out of the day. 🙂

For a full update on baby stuff, head over to this post—I won’t waste this space with those updates!


Monthly Goals

  • Recheck our budget & order kitchen table, patio things, and living room curtains :: Nope.
  • Do Summer to Thrive study & Jen Wilkin 1st Peter Bible study :: Check! I mention this in the video, but I found Jess Connolly’s summer study, and I’m LOVING it! I also really recommend my friend Val’s prayer audit for your business—it’s a great blog post & freebie download. Here’s the link to grab that.
  • Handoff our new editorial calendar system to my assistant Kate :: Nope. This is definitely on the prep-for-maternity leave list now!
  • Create & beta test our new course :: A little of this checked off—I zeroed in on the topic and began outlining! I get asked a lot from my current students about my routines, email templating/inbox/folder system, how I plan days and months, etc., so I’m making a mini-course about it and trying to keep the price really low. Click here to stay in the loop on that!
  • Enjoy my mastermind trip! :: Check! Getting my content workflows executed for 2 weeks batched at once was a hard couple of days, but it let me be really present with my mastermind girls so I could focus on the next 6 months planning a business before baby comes. Having my girl Kate at my right hand and managing the inbox is a big perk. Sure do love you, Kate!
  • Wrap up our team’s 4 copywriting clients and 2 brides well :: Check!
  • Read 4 books :: I read:
    •  Off the Clock by Laura Vanderkam
    • Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize
    • George Washington on Leadership by Richard Brookhiser (from Michael Hyatt’s LeaderBox subscription service)
    • A historical fiction book about Atlanta in the 1960s called Visible Empire by Hannah Pittard
  • Start to plan our sabbatical vacation :: Wes and I take a sabbatical each August (new tradition, but we’re hooked!), and take one anniversary big trip. We’re headed to Spain/Switzerland/Germany/Amsterdam, but if you have suggestions, I’ll take ’em! Here’s how I plan a sabbatical >>
  • Tour Atlanta art galleries on a rainy day :: Nope.
  • Update my Copywriting for Creatives™ program :: Nope. My schedule changed immensely once I realized you get tired when you’re pregs. 😉


Oh, and I FINALLY hired that housecleaner we’ve had budgeted since AUGUST. We use The Blueprint Model, and last year, worked one-on-one with my friend Shanna Skidmore to plan our home and business finances.

This has been a BIG marriage discussion slash argument: even though we had it budgeted, I kept telling Wes we could save the money and doing it all myself anyway … read: complaining the entire time that I’d clean while he was golfing. Not making a joyful noise, put it that way. 😉 He was frustrated, saying we worked hard to make it so we had the budget to enjoy full weekends without a half-day cleaning. Turns out $200 a month put towards a housekeeper is some of the best marriage therapy money we’ve spent yet!

The Blueprint Model strikes again. I’m leading a crew of women through it again starting in January: click here to be first to know when doors open!

We went to The Ritz Carlton at Lake Occonee for a wedding Wes was in, and the staff found out I was pregnant—so they served up a honeybear mocktail. 🙂

AW-Jenna Kutcher Mastermind

Weekly Goals:

  1. Mega-batch: Create 4 YouTubes on one Monday, write 4 blogs another Monday, write 4 newsletters another Monday :: Nope. I did all this, but my batch system is still daily. I’d love to try weeks sometimes!
  2. Send a note to a friend :: Check, 3/4 times.
  3. Have my digital detox day every week :: Check!
  4. Continue planning the weekends on Wednesdays and my end of week recap :: Check! I also decided I’m going to teach how I do this in the productivity program I’m opening doors to next month. 🙂
  5. Crank out 1 YouTube, 1 newsletter, 2 blogs a week & post 7 days on Instagram (but batch write them all on one day out of the week so it doesn’t stress me out!) :: Check! With everything except Instagram. I didn’t post 30 days of the month.
  6. Take my Spencerian hand calligraphy classes :: Nope!

Daily Goals:

    1. Pray with my Val Marie Paper journal
    2. Eat greens
    3. Move my body
    4. Hit Slack zero :: DEFINITELY didn’t do this. Not even close! I’m in a lot of Slack channels for masterminds, my own team, and more, so I want to work on getting better about this, now that I have my glorious assistant Kate in my inbox all the time!

AW-Baby Reveal

Wes and I drove to Montgomery (where I’m from) to tell the fam it’s a BOY—mom’s blue and pink decor from her garden made me smile.

 Powersheets Progress: July Goals


Monthly Goals

  • Educate myself on our family budget and implement an updated #FinanceFridays plan :: Like I said, we have a great budget (thank you, Blueprint Model), but since we moved slash got pregs, it is in need of an update. I also plan to revamp the business’s Blueprint Model in August for 2019, like I planned the business’s 2018 year in August of last year.
  • Finish my Jen Wilkin 1 Peter study
  • Finish the patio decor, breakfast nook, and living room
  • Plan our sabbatical trip
  • Develop a new talk and enjoy France :: I’m headed to speak at my friends Abby Grace Photography and Katherine Bignon’s The Signature Atelier outside of a chateau in Paris, and I’m ALL KINDS OF EXCITED! I adore France, and can’t wait to leave!
  • Grow email list by 3k this month
  • Create, test, and pre-launch mini-course on productivity :: Yup! I get asked a lot from my current students about my routines, email templating/inbox/folder system, how I plan days and months, etc., so I’m making a mini-course about it and trying to keep the price really low. Click here to stay in the loop on that!


Weekly Goals

  • Exercise at Exhale 3x a week
  • Spend time with the girls 1x a week
  • Love on one friend, love on one fam member
  • Take the Sabbath & digital detox every week (can be Saturday or Sunday)
  • Do 1 artsy thing each week (draw, paint, take a Spencerian calligraphy lesson, etc.)
  • Read 1 book
  • Hold my #FinanceFriday session


Daily Goals

  • Pray using my Val Marie Paper journal
  • Pray specifically for Wes
  • Tidy the home … I feel like I’ve gotten lax on this working from home while Wes is gone all day—bowls in the sink, cups everywhere, you know the drill. Gonna try to pick up a bit more after myself during the day!
  • Move my body for 30 minutes


Again, I always appreciate the chance to share my Powersheets goals with you—it really, REALLY helps me to blog my goals … and I’m SO excited to get to bring you this new video series each month!

By the way, since it’s July, I do get a lot of questions about if it’s worth it to start Powersheets now, and YES! The workbooks actually come in 6-month and 12-month planners, but like Lara Casey says, there’s nothing special about July 1. 😉

Reading Time: 6 MinutesReading time: 6 min. Powersheets review yet again! I get a little all-American nerdy at the beginning of July, plus, it’s pretty much New Year’s Day #2. Each fresh start of the month, I’ll be telling you an update on my goals, and including what went on last month—there’s a whole playlist of these on […]


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