It’s no secret I loooove the champs (I mean, what’s not to love a drink described as what stars taste like!?).
And true to Ashlyn form, champagne sweated outta my body during our 108 sun salutations practice at my gym had New Year’s Day — and y’all, while my chaturanga-sore shoulders are still achin’ (I told Wes I feel so strong I could probably lift our 75 lb. German Shepherd puppy with one hand. He wasn’t amused.), I’m all KINDS of pumped about the first official work day of 2017!
Rhythms, calendars, measurement, rememberance: it’s clear through our Scriptures that our God LOVES to show us how to mark time and space as His children …
… aaaannd though I didn’t start plotting years with goals and plans until 2013 (click here forDavid Platt’s Disciple Making Plan changed my mind on the whole “resolution” thing!), I’m SUCH a fangirl now!
Y’all, I need goals. Measurement. Time is such a precious gift from the Lord, and personally, I steward it best when I pray about what He’d have me do (in addition to what He’s already told us!), and plot the course to get there.
I always get a little-added accountability when I post things online. So if you don’t mind my kindly “using” you, I’ll just leave these right here so you can help me along!
2017 Goals
Grow in my faith by organizing it so I can DEEPEN it.
Steward my body better by making NON-eating disordered health part of my daily life (I was partially hospitalized in 2015 for anorexia and some other mental health issues … 2016 was the year of SWEET freedom, and I feel better about working towards health SMARTLY this year! 🙂 )
Invest intentionally in building a stronger marriage.
Developing personally by reading 36 books this year.
Establish groundwork for our family’s community by loving others well.
Consistently producing 1 email, 1 blog post, and 1 PDF learning each week for Ashlyn Writes, and one free workshop each month.
Launch Copywriting for Creatives 2.0.
Launch Ashlyn Writes shop with 5 intentional tools for women.
Fill my 36 client slots for 2017.
Grow my team to include a studio manager, bookkeeper, associate copywriter, and graphic designer.
Now, how in goodness gracious do I keep this organized?
My work spouse, Trello, helps with the day-to-day SCRUM method for the work goals, but my Powersheets and Emily Ley planner are how I really keep tabs on progress.
*To note, I also use Google Calendar — but that’s so I can quickly communicate what’s going on with others! My EL planner is my home base … plus, I deck it out with stickers and markers, ’cause sometimes you just need to channel your inner middle schooler that never got over Lisa Frank.
That’s how I break up all those sparkly goals into action steps!
Here’s a peek at the baby steps I have to get to these goals:
Grow in my faith by organizing it.
- Memorize 1 (good), 2 (better), 3 (best) verses each month.
- Complete the Contentment Challenge alongside my sweet friends Kat Schmoyer and Jessica Pedicord.
- Study one book of the Bible (I use Jen Wilikin’s free podcast/workbook) or a Secret Church study each month.
- Maintain afternoon check-ins with Jesus.
- Join a small group at church.
- Have 1 (good), 2 (better), 3 (best) tech-free days each month.
Steward my body better by making NON-eating disordered health part of my daily life.
- Sign up for another half and run it!
- Drink 2 (good), 3 (better), 4 (best) smoothies each week.
- Do 1 thing for self-care each week.
- Eat greens or a vegetable daily.
- Establish a sleep ritual and get more than 5 hours of sleep each night!
- Walk dogs 1 (good), 2 (better), 3 (best) times a week (or get in some outdoors time weekly).
Invest intentionally in building a stronger marriage.
- Plan 3 trips together (one to celebrate 2 years of marriage!)
- Have 4 (good), 5 (better), 6 (best) dates a month.
- Cook dinner 2 (good), 3 (better), 4 (best) times a week.
- Complete Nancy Ray’s family legacy kit by EOY.
- Pay off all CC debt in Q1.
Developing personally by reading 36 books this year.
- Watch 2 hours of TV a week (hard news doesn’t count!)
- Blog 2016 book list of the 21 books I read last year.
- Create a GoogleDoc or come up with a way to store learnings from books I read.
- Read hard news for 15 (good), 30 (better), or 45 (best) minutes a day … I was a poli sci minor, and Wes and I recently decided nowadays you can’t even click on the links in my mind when you Google a news story. I don’t know enough beyond the headlines!
- Read 1 (good), 2 (better), or 3 (best) articles from Gospel Coalition, John Piper, or Tim Keller, etc. a week.
- Read 3 books a month (January is The Compound Effect, Simple Inevitable Wealth, and a Phillipa Gregory fiction book about Henry VIII’s wives 🙂 )
Establish groundwork for our family’s community by loving others well.
- Maintain daily war room time (this is what I call my closet that I pray in).
- Host our fam for dinner in Q1.
- Do one service or volunteer activity each month.
- Implement Emily Ley’s Sunday “tidy up” ritual (cleaning and planning the week with Wes!) so I can fill in time with girl time and walks and drink dates!
- <3 one friend & one fam member a week (I did this last year and loved it. Just picked a name, and sent a card, prayed intentionally for them, called them, sent flowers, etc.)
- Write letters on Mondays (b’day cards + thank you notes).
Consistently producing 1 email, 1 blog post, and 1 PDF learning each week for Ashlyn Writes.
- Finish beta testing my friend Jenna’s new email course and set email list building goals.
- Write a marketing and content calendar for the year.
- Load in welcome and long-term nurture sequence to love my email list well.
- Add video (FB live or monthly workshop webinars) to the content line-up in February.
- Batch Instagram content on Mondays.
Launch my Copywriting for Creatives course 2.0.
- Finish beta testing with my 4 sweet mastermind students.
- Draft a launch and marketing plan.
- Outsource design elements.
- Write out copy for the launch — and treat my launches like I treat my clients, for once!
- Build a team during launch week so I’m not the only one doing everything.
- REST well — massage! — and write down learnings afterwards.
Launch Ashlyn Writes shop with 5 intentional tools for women.
- Brainstorm list of shop items, like a prayer closet kit, thank you note writing guide for brides, etc.
- Create them and market them!
Fill my 36 client slots for 2017 to hit financial goals.
- Meet with our CPA and pray about doing Dave Ramsey’s class.
- Train myself on and make it our personal budget hub.
- Update website.
- Gather client testimonials and create a system for doing so.
- Hire a bookkeeper – Check!
Grow my team to include a studio manager, associate copywriter, and graphic designer, so I can take off one month in 2017.
- Systemize email inbox and client systems and hand off to studio manager.
- Systemize calendaring and meetings and hand off to studio manager.
- Hire a graphic designer.
- Hire an associate copywriter to help me with brand storytelling/website copy load.
Here’s a little peek for you inside my Powersheets January tending list, so you can see a month’s goals!
So, that’s my little system and my big ol’ dreams for this year, and I’m expectant for how the Lord is going to move in our family, our city, and this online community I happened upon after one too many daydreams in corporate land. 🙂
Do you use Powersheets?
Do you set goals?
Post a link below — I LOVE reading what others are up to, and you’ve got me right here cheering you on!
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Reading Time: 7 Minutes
The champagne sweated outta my body during our 108 sun salutations practice at my gym had New Year’s Day — and while my chatarunga-sore shoulders are still achy, I’m all kinds of pumped about the first official work day of 2017! Here’s the 10 things I’m shooting after this year … hold me accountable, will ya?
I love YNAB and your power sheets look great! Good luck!
You do!? Okay, this is our first time using it! We did Mint before, and I’m ready to be able to move the monies around a bit more. 🙂
Yeah, I used Mint before and it was okay for tracking where my money was going but I’ve had a lot of success with YNAB as far as being intentional about where you want it to go and then accepting that the plan isn’t always what happens (rolling with the punches as they say, moving the monies around as you say) 😉
Love that. Ok, sold. 🙂 I need to be able to be a little messier and roll with the punches, because #life!