It’s pouring rain outside my little studio window, and—this is the first time I’m saying this publicly—this is my last week in the little ranch home we’ve lived in since we got married. The nostalgia’s wafting up like the Christmas Spirit flavor (is that the right word??) essential oils diffusing beside me, but I’m not gonna tear up yet. 😉
Next Monday, we close on what’s my absolute dream house, such a gift from the Lord and something that’s been prayed over for months … and to boot, it’s about a quarter mile down the road! More on that next week!
That said, we won’t even have Christmas decorations up until mid-month at best … the house is a wreck of cardboard boxes … and I’m still trying to wrap up client work for 2017. Woof.
This is a grace-filled month of realizing that the advent tide that I usually hold so sacred—mornings curled up under tree twinkle lights with Spode mugs of coffee and thumbing through an advent reading—welp, those just aren’t par for the course this year. And!
As always, I love sharing with you my Powersheets goals. It’s such a joy to chat through what’s moving and shaking over here, and hopefully (always my prayer!) give you some ideas on some goals you could set … while at the same time holding myself accountable.
This week I’m celebrating Powersheets Prep Week—whoop!—and my friend Lara Casey is leading us through how to use our Powersheets to set intentional goals. I’m working on my 2018 goals, and I’ll start sharing those the week of December 19th.
Past posts in the series:
- January
- March
- June
- July
- August
- November
- How I Got Started with Powersheets
- How-To Use Your Powersheets Alongside Your Simplified Planner
Here are my December goals below as we slide into the year’s end … and I can’t wait for you to read them!
Powersheets Progress: November Recap
Monthly Goals
- Plan 4 dates with WHC: Check! Post-church breakfast at Sun in My Belly and whole Carter-party fam outing to Cirque du Soleil made things fun this month. 😉
- Study the book of Exodus: Check! I’m OBSESSED with Jen Wilkin’s old podcasts and free workbooks. Michelle Lesley also has great, theologically sound Bible studies.
- Read 2 LeaderBox books from Michael Hyatt: Just found my 2017 favorite book, Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Do Less by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang! The other book was Crucial Conversations, which was so, so good, too. Totally recommend Michael’s brand new book reading subscription plan, LeaderBooks, if you need a little guidance or accountability with a reading plan each month.
- Make 6K (good), 10K (better), 15K (best) from our AW Shop Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales: Check! We hit juusstt shy of $14K, and that’s a wrap on 2017 sales, for the most part. Can I nap now? 😉
- Serve our new Copywriting for Creatives students well
- Write a 2018 business and marketing plan: Not yet—eek! I went to Amy Porterfield’s live event this weekend, and I knew it was going to change a LOT for me, stirring up new dreams and plans … and it did. 😉 Redoing things in December!
- Speak at Showit UNITED & The Charleston Photography Workshop: Check! WHEW—no more speaking engagements for 2017, and I’m glad … it’s time for my signature talks to get a little bit of a face-lift!
Weekly Goals:
- Have girl time with my best friends: 2 outta 4 weeks. Traveling for half the month made this hard, and I can’t wait to be home for a month and see my best friends.
- Uphold #MarketingMondays, writing blogs, a freebie, and an email newsletter: I’ve almost made it through consistent weekly blogging and emailing my list for AN ENTIRE YEAR … I’ve been blogging since 2009 and that’s never ever happened before, ha!
- Cook 2 (good), 3 (better) or 4 (best) times a week at home: See #1 😉 Traveling makes this so hard, but I did this 3 weeks out of 4! Very, very grateful for HelloFresh … plus, my mom’s recipes in our wooden box, too!
- Run 2x a week and be outside. Check! All 4 weeks! I’m the worst runner ever, but it’s part of my favorite thing about traveling, getting to explore a new area with a run. Charleston treks down to through the College of Charleston’s campus during my speaking gig was a blast.
- Do 1 thing for self-care and to center myself on who I’m created to be each week so I can pour into others: I was so much better about this. My cute little gym has a hamman, and I actually spent 20 minutes sitting doing absolutely, 100% nothing one day … for a go-getter like me, that was huge.
Daily Goals:
- Hold PRESENT mornings (again, you can read more on that here!)
- Eat something green
- Check in with my team 1x a day
- Read every day
- Get more sleep: This has improved a zillion percent since January of this year … it took a year, but I’m getting there!
Powersheets Progress: December Goals
Monthly Goals
- Honor my team & thank them by EOY
- Move to our new house!
- Re-do my Blueprint Model Plan for our family finances, now that we have a new house payment
- Finish my Jen Wilikin Bible study of Exodus
- Read 2 LeaderBox book assignments and Michael Hyatt’s Best Year Ever
- Set up a system of reviewing our family finances/Blueprint Model Plan: We HAVE the tools all set … I just need to monitor it better!
- Set up a quiz & funnel for AW by EOY
- Send Christmas cards for our family & business
- Finish up my CopyHackers certification
Weekly Goals:
- Go on a date with Wes
- Love one friend + one family member well
- Run outside 2x a week
- Cook 2 (good), 3 (better), or 4 (best days a week
Daily Goals
- Hold PRESENT mornings (You can click here to read more about what I mean!)
- Check in with my team 1x each day
- Drink water!
- Eat something green
Again, I always just appreciate the chance to share my Powersheets goals with you–it really, REALLY helps me to blog my goals … I tend to then tackle them, wink.
I’ll see you in a few days for MORE on setting goals in 2018, and what that looks like between my go-to tools for this: Shanna Skidmore’s Blueprint Model, Lara Casey’s Powersheets, and Emily Ley’s Simplified Planner. That’s my trifecta of stewardship of my time, money, and plans, and I can’t wait to explain more how I use them in the coming weeks.
What about you? Have you blogged any life or business goals lately? Post below–I’d love to read them!
Reading Time: 5 MinutesReading time: 4 min. It’s pouring rain outside my little studio window, and—this is the first time I’m saying this publicly—this is my last week in the little ranch home we’ve lived in since we got married. The nostalgia’s wafting up like the Christmas Spirit flavor (is that the right word??) essential oils diffusing beside […]
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