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August 1, 2017


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Hey! Ashlyn here, OG copywriter for creatives—reporting for duty. 

Let's get you a message so tight you can bounce a quarter off of it. Around here, we serve up science-based storytelling strategies the creative set.  Even while raking in more than 1.26M in agency work since I've been at it, I firmly believe working from a place of rest (not hustle) IS possible—and I want the same for you. Words matter. Best be sure they work (and oui, with math) ... and know how to party while they're at it. 

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Reading time: 3 min.

Goal setting is one of my favorite ways to worship the Lord and steward my time, leaning into gifts He’s given me (and let’s be honest, without goals, I’d revert to my two speeds: (speed 1) 150 miles an hour working non-stop and exhausting myself and (speed 2) 8 hours of Netflix on British castles with Ben & Jerry’s in hand … neither is helpful.).

Each month, I tell you about the goals I’m setting for a few reasons–chiefly for (a) accountability and (b) to give ideas about how you can plan your days too with Powersheets, the first grace-filled goal tool I ever found that worked for me.

PSA: August is sabbatical month.

And y’all, I’m trudging into this weekend exhausted. When Wes and I decided for me to take my first sabbatical back in December of 2016 and planning the annual calendar for AW, I had initially decided to take the whole month off. Reality? I’m working the first week of August, settling client work, prepping to speak at Creative@Heart in Raleigh (eek!), and taking both the conference and the 20 days after the conference to rest, recharge, and reset.

I’ll post on Monday my reasoning behind a sabbatical, my plans, and how I’m taking 3 weeks mostly-completely on vacation, because I think it’s really important … and because I’ve already been learning a few things from dear adopted sisters Shanna Skidmore and Nancy Ray, two friend/clients (“frients??”) that I consider more “can you please just let me sit at your feet at teach me your wisdom” friends.

Both are amazing at structuring their work to honor their faith, pay their bills, and serve their families.

Here are my August goals below … and I can’t wait for you to read them!

How I do goal-setting in my creative business—a guide to Powersheets from Ashlyn Carter

Powersheets Progress: July Recap

(past posts in the series: January, March, June, July, How I Got Started with PowersheetsHow-To Use Your Powersheets Alongside Your Simplified Planner,)

Monthly Goals

  1. Finish Bible study on 1-3 John: Check! I’m OBSESSED with Jen Wilkin’s old podcasts and free workbooks. Find them here!
  2. Read 4 books: Scrum, A Moveable Feast (never read it!), Expert Secrets, and The Celebration of Discipline. Eek! I just read 2 … August is catch up month!
  3. Grow email list by another 2K: 50% check … I’ll take 1K!
  4. Finish and announce website revamp: Nope.
  5. Plan 4 dates with WHC: Check!
  6. Plan Creative @ Heart talk: Check!
  7. Launch shop with 5 items: Nope … and like goal #4, I saw how I was rushing both of these a bit. To be honest, I’ll focus on them during sabattical a bit, getting to write and spend the lion’s share of my time doing things for MY business the next 3 weeks for once! TOUCHDOWN!
  8. Hit July sales goals: Check … slash also booked out 2017. Yowza! Didn’t see that coming!
  9. Create 8 videos for the AW YouTube channel: Nope.

Weekly Goals:

  1. Have girl time: Check!
  2. Uphold #MarketingMondays, writing blogs, a freebie, and a Facebook live talk: All except 1 Facebook Live, but that’s ok!
  3. Uphold #FinanceFridays: Check! Totally recommend Steadfast Bookkeeping.
  4. Do 1 thing for self-care and to center myself on who I’m created to be each week so I can pour into others
  5. Practice my yoga headstand and handstand: I HATE going upside down, because I’m just terrified.

Daily Goals:

  1. Focus on showing Wes I respect him
  2. Hold PRESENT mornings (again, you can read more on that here!)
  3. Eat something green and drink water!
  4. Check in with my team
  5. Review day at the end of each day (you can see how I do that here)

Powersheets Progress: August Goals

Monthly Goals

  1. Set myself up for sabbatical well, and take 3 weeks off.
  2. Finish Bible study on Exodus and do 2 Secret Church studies.
  3. Read 2 books a week: Chasing Slow and The Finishing School are week 1!
  4. Go on 4 dates with Wes
  5. Do Nancy Ray’s family legacy kit
  6. Clean out my childhood bedroom during my few days at home, and sell clothes I don’t wear
  7. Finish The Blueprint Method financial family + business coaching with Shanna Skidmore

Weekly Goals:

  1. Talk a walk outside with the dogs
  2. Check in with all AW’s clients and with my 2 associate copywriters
  3. Watch a class on The Influence Network
  4. Love one friend + one family member well
  5. Do something artsy, crafty, or calligraphy for FUN (NO CLIENT WORK ALLOWED! 🙂 )

Daily Goals

  1. Study Jesus
  2. Do 1 thing on my sabbatical to-do list, more about that Monday!
  3. Write
  4. Eat greens

Again, I always just appreciate the chance to share this with you–it really, REALLY helps me to blog my goals … I tend to then tackle them, wink.

What about you? Have you blogged any life or business goals lately? Post below–I’d love to read them!

Reading Time: 4 MinutesReading time: 3 min. Goal setting is one of my favorite ways to worship the Lord and steward my time, leaning into gifts He’s given me (and let’s be honest, without goals, I’d revert to my two speeds: (speed 1) 150 miles an hour working non-stop and exhausting myself and (speed 2) 8 hours of […]


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