Reading Time: 10 MinutesLet’s talk about how to write emails for your next big launch. If you’ve ever cracked your knuckles and prepped to write a launch email sequence for your business’ next offer, be that a group coaching program, a new collection, a brand new course you just dreamed up, a workshop, a flash sale, whatever it […]
Reading Time: 9 MinutesYour Pre Launch Workflow is nearly as important as the launch itself! Whether you’re searching for how to do a product launch or how to service launch, you need to have a pre-launch strategy to keep things running smoothly. Today, we’re going to dive into my pre-launch workflow and pre-launch tips to make your life […]
Reading Time: 9 MinutesIt’s time to put your Instagram pre-launch strategy in place! What worked in 2016 is NOT going to work with your Instagram content strategy in 2021. One of the big vehicles as you execute and turn out your launch copy and content, sure as heck, is social media—Instagram specifically. An email subscriber that gets my […]
Reading Time: 10 MinutesDo you have a pre-launch marketing strategy? Erica recently asked if I spelled out my pre-launch marketing workflow step by step, what would it look like? Well, here’s the big secret: there’s no silver bullet to a launch. What I’ve learned is you’ve gotta be willing to put in the time and try different strategies […]
Reading Time: 11 MinutesYou’re ready to launch a new business, a new course or even a new one-on-one service but during your pre-launch stage you are trying to figure out how to grow your email list! Anddddd you need to build your email list fast before you launch. I’m going to share with you my go-to email list […]
Reading Time: 10 MinutesHow to LAUNCH Your Evergreen Products + Services // I LOVE launching … but not as much as I love sustainable marketing that works when I can’t. 🙂 You KNOW with your creative small business you need to be talking up and “launching” them (a fancy way to say make a big marketing campaign) your […]
On-the-house Glass Bubbles
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