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How To Write Ads: 3 Steps To Write Facebook Ads That Convert Like CRAZY

Reading Time: 9 MinutesOhhh, ads—yep, we love to complain about Facebook ads, but a lot of us have at LEAST one purchase (right?) we’ve made and love thanks to a well-targeted, well-written ad. When they work, they work. 🙌 I’ve been writing Facebook ads since 2015, and refined a pretty good process for my own copywriting business & […]

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Three Facebook Ad Copy Tips from Ashlyn Writes Copywriting and Calligraphy
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3 Facebook Ad Copy Tips to Get You Started Copywriting

Reading Time: 4 MinutesThis post first ran on my client Think Creative Collective’s website. Click here to listen to my podcast episode with them on the Strategy Hour Podcast! When it comes to drafting up your copy for a Facebook ad, you can’t just one-and-done apply the copywriting techniques you’d use for Google ads, or the copywriting techniques you’d […]

Three Facebook Ad Copy Tips from Ashlyn Writes Copywriting and Calligraphy