This week I hosted a one-year business birthday party and chatted through “9 Messaging Secrets I Learned in Year One” on a webinar (grab the recording here!).
‘Twas just a blast hanging out with internet buddies and talking creative biz life — I mean, it helped I had a glass of champagne poured into the good crystal in hand. ????
“Don’t wait to celebrate,” my friend Katherine Wolf has taught me over the years. Pull out the good china, ’cause life’s too short — can I get an amen?
Then, cue last night, as my friend Kaylen came over and we curled up cross-legged on the couchand she asked me about small business life.
Have you heard of the curse of knowledge? The concept that you — the expert — operate at a 9 on a scale when your audience sits at a 1.
That was me talking to Kaylen: How quickly I forget the things I learned in one year! This week, I’ve spent some time reflecting on the tools & resources that propelled my business in year one, and without further adieu, here is a business start-up resource list for you to plow through if you’re thinking of shifting vocational gears and steppin’ into some dreams!
Disclaimer: Y’all. 25 KAZILLION resource lists for creative small businesses exist on the internet. I just counted. This is in no way a comprehensive resource. This is the unedited, raw list of podcasts I listened to with earbuds tucked in my ears at my corporate desk, websites I stalked, and the apps and tools I actually use in my business.
Over the year, I’ve sent a LOT of emails to women who ask me what I listened to or read … and here’s the list!
Websites I Turned To
Elle & Co. to learn how to build a Squarespace website
Megan Minns to learn how to systemize things
Kristin Kaplan to learn how to price my services
Amber Housley to learn about the creative mompreneur (Dog mom. It counts) niche
Mariah Coz for blogging
Melyssa Griffin for marketing
Heather Crabtree and Reina Pomeroy for … well … I don’t think I knew why I was listening to them. Now I know they’re coaches, but back then I just found their posts helpful.
Rising Tide Society for community
Podcasts I Listened To
(I now subscribe to like, 42 podcasts, but those were the only 4 I listened to before I quit my job and during my first month)
Tools I Invested In
So, I went all out and made a whole resources page here, which I hope helps you! On my new resources page, you’ll find:
- 16 tools I use in my business, so you can snag the same software I use (some of it’s free!)
- 8 home “tools” we love, to get a little more margin in your family life
- 13 office must-haves, from calligraphy gear to organization and oils
- 10 must-read books for a faith-centered business start-up
- 4 freebie downloads, to grab the how-to tricks from AW operations
And a partridge in a pear tree.
Reading Time: 3 Minutes
Y’all. 25 KAZILLION resource lists for creative small businesses exist on the internet. I just counted. This is in no way a comprehensive resource. This is the unedited, raw list of podcasts I listened to with earbuds tucked in my ears at my corporate desk, websites I stalked, and the apps and tools I actually use in my business.
Here’s the list!
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