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last updated:
June 12, 2016



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Hey! Ashlyn here, OG copywriter for creatives—reporting for duty. 

Let's get you a message so tight you can bounce a quarter off of it. Around here, we serve up science-based storytelling strategies the creative set.  Even while raking in more than 1.26M in agency work since I've been at it, I firmly believe working from a place of rest (not hustle) IS possible—and I want the same for you. Words matter. Best be sure they work (and oui, with math) ... and know how to party while they're at it. 

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Reading time: 3 min.

I hated New Year’s resolutions.

Why in my ever-loving mind would I intentionally pen ideas that would stare back on Jun. 22 reminding me of all the things I couldn’t achieve?

2014 loomed as 2013’s sun set, and after working through my college church (Church at Brook Hills) Personal Disciple Making Plan, I decided maybe there was something holy, God-breathed in intentionally praying means to an end.

I graduated to Powersheets for 2016 — the ultimate in goal-setting with stickers, drawing space, and praise for making messy and imperfect progress — this past winter. You can read more about it here!

On the Southern Weddings/Powersheets team is a cute little lady I’ve looked up to for years. Emily Thomas blogs at Em for Marvelous, and I stumbled upon her 60 Before 30 blog post list one day. Since my 28th year starts this week, I decided to follow her lead, and craft my own 60 Before 30 list! Many of these goals are scribbled on my Powersheets and business plan, but like Emily says:

“More than anything, I hope writing these things down and working toward them will help me become the person I want to be — strong in mind, body, and spirit; capable and adventurous; encouraging and kind; grateful and generous — when I reach a new decade.”

— Emily Thomas, Em for Marvelous

60 Before 30

Start date: June 2016|  End date: June 2018

  1. Read Mere Christianity
  2. Memorize Romans 8.
  3. Go to Europe with Wes – CHECK!
  4. Start a joint savings account (um, it took us about 7 months to finally combine our accountsafter getting married … messy progress, y’all!) – CHECK!
  5. Run another half-marathon, MAYBE a full-marathon.
  6. Write out my eating disorder story so it can encourage another girl one day.
  7. Grow a vegetable garden.
  8. Hit Ashlyn Writes financial goals in 2016 – CHECK!
  9. … and 2017.
  10. Speak at 2 conferences/events, encouraging women with my story – CHECK!
  11. Be able to do a headstand for one minute in yoga.
  12. Then, be able to kick into a handstand in yoga with no wall — I’m TERRIFIED!
  13. Read “Boundaries” by Cloud and Townsend.
  14. Read “Praying God’s Word” by Beth Moore.
  15. Read “The Cost of Discipleship” by Bonhoeffer.
  16. Learn how to fry chicken.
  17. Explore California wine country with Wes — we’re headed this September!
  18. Make our master bedroom a retreat (aka buy dog beds, a chair, and curtains) – CHECK!
  19. Attend IAMPETH.
  20. Go to Guatemala for missions with the organization my sister-in-law worked for.
  21. Tackle one biz/marketing book each quarter.
  22. Visit a printshop in Atlanta to learn about the process.
  23. Run 2 5Ks with friends or family — not by myself!
  24. “Shoot the ‘Hooch” (float the river) here in Atlanta!
  25. Have someone over for a dinner party once a quarter.
  26. Grow a lemon tree and/or herb garden!
  27. Host a themed party at our home.
  28. Make an acrylic painting – CHECK!
  29. Develop a repertoire of 12 healthy meals for our fam.
  30. Have a shop with intentional copywriting tools.
  31. Make a tool for prayer or Bible study for Ashlyn Writes shop.
  32. Learn Spencerian calligraphy hand!
  33. Figure out French braiding.
  34. Celebrate 1 year of marriage! – CHECK!
  35. … and 2 years of marriage!
  36. Cultivate a rose garden like my mama.
  37. Pray about growing a family.
  38. Give as much away as we spend on Christmas.
  39. Thank Southern Smash and tell her I needed her eating disorder story during it all.
  40. Study copywriting with another course – CHECK!
  41. Join a Bible study.
  42. Start a more regular tithe for our family as we figure out my new income.
  43. Pour into someone younger than me.
  44. Study the Bible the Women of the Word way – CHECK!
  45. Learn how to sew.
  46. … and French handsew from my mom.
  47. Visit Maine, where Wes has family!
  48. Save for and buy one more piece of art.
  49. See one concert at Red Rocks.
  50. Read the Magic Art of Tidying Up, and give things away – CHECK!
  51. Memorize 100 Bible verses.
  52. Find somewhere to regularly volunteer again.
  53. Go to two Atlanta Ballet shows a year — I NEED to experience art like this!
  54. Visit 3 art galleries in Atlanta.
  55. Make and organize a home management binder.
  56. Finish up 2015 photo book.
  57. … make 2016 photo book – CHECK!
  58. … and 2017 photo book.
  59. Finally finish college photo box!
  60. Make traveling ADPi consultant and first few years in ATL photo box!

If you had a list of dreamy goals to hit before your next milestone b’day, what’s on the list?

Reading Time: 3 Minutes


On the Southern Weddings/Powersheets team is a cute little lady I’ve looked up to for years. Emily Thomas blogs at Em for Marvelous, and I stumbled upon her 60 Before 30 blog post list one day. Since my 28th year starts this week, I decided to follow her lead, and craft my own 60 Before 30 list! Many of these goals are scribbled on my Powersheets and business plan, but like Emily says:


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comments +

  1. Becky Thomas Faulkner says:

    I think I might be able to help you with that fried chicken and I come with references that you know!

    • Ashlyn Carter says:

      Miss Becky, I’m laughing so hard! If it’s Bec/Will/Ike approved, you KNOW I’d be a fan. Really, I have no idea, and mom doesn’t really know how either (she claims), so I may need to try your recipe!!

  2. Becky Thomas Faulkner says:

    I think I might be able to help you with that fried chicken thing and I come with references that you know!

  3. B Eamons says:

    The Magic Art of Tidying up is amazing. A super quick read but a life changing idea. I would love to hear how you got started. I have a tiny Etsy shop but I really want to get into calligraphy and the business of words before my b-day in August!!

    • Ashlyn Carter says:

      AH! Really?! Ok. It’s going on the Amazon list! I loved getting started — I’m happy to spill anything! Basically, I had been doing calligraphy on the side for about 3 years, and worked in marketing and journalism for close to a decade … Do you get my weekly email? I gave the story today, and I’m happy to forward it to you! Or fill you in on any tips. 🙂 Proud of you and your Etsy shop!

  4. Reeve Currie says:

    Oh gosh I love this! I’m 23 so I could really get this list going and make some progress on it! 🙂 Super inspired to write my own! Haha I love your goals and how simple and straightforward some of them are (like your scrapbooks and marriage anniversaries!). Definitely on my list: get married to my best friend, travel in Europe with my husband, grow my blog to ___ readers per month, and learn to play the cello (my favorite instrument!).

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