I hated New Year’s resolutions.
Why in my ever-loving mind would I intentionally pen ideas that would stare back on Jun. 22 reminding me of all the things I couldn’t achieve?
2014 loomed as 2013’s sun set, and after working through my college church (Church at Brook Hills) Personal Disciple Making Plan, I decided maybe there was something holy, God-breathed in intentionally praying means to an end.
I graduated to Powersheets for 2016 — the ultimate in goal-setting with stickers, drawing space, and praise for making messy and imperfect progress — this past winter. You can read more about it here!
On the Southern Weddings/Powersheets team is a cute little lady I’ve looked up to for years. Emily Thomas blogs at Em for Marvelous, and I stumbled upon her 60 Before 30 blog post list one day. Since my 28th year starts this week, I decided to follow her lead, and craft my own 60 Before 30 list! Many of these goals are scribbled on my Powersheets and business plan, but like Emily says:
“More than anything, I hope writing these things down and working toward them will help me become the person I want to be — strong in mind, body, and spirit; capable and adventurous; encouraging and kind; grateful and generous — when I reach a new decade.”
60 Before 30
Start date: June 2016| End date: June 2018
- Read Mere Christianity
- Memorize Romans 8.
- Go to Europe with Wes – CHECK!
- Start a joint savings account (um, it took us about 7 months to finally combine our accountsafter getting married … messy progress, y’all!) – CHECK!
- Run another half-marathon, MAYBE a full-marathon.
- Write out my eating disorder story so it can encourage another girl one day.
- Grow a vegetable garden.
- Hit Ashlyn Writes financial goals in 2016 – CHECK!
- … and 2017.
- Speak at 2 conferences/events, encouraging women with my story – CHECK!
- Be able to do a headstand for one minute in yoga.
- Then, be able to kick into a handstand in yoga with no wall — I’m TERRIFIED!
- Read “Boundaries” by Cloud and Townsend.
- Read “Praying God’s Word” by Beth Moore.
- Read “The Cost of Discipleship” by Bonhoeffer.
- Learn how to fry chicken.
- Explore California wine country with Wes — we’re headed this September!
- Make our master bedroom a retreat (aka buy dog beds, a chair, and curtains) – CHECK!
- Attend IAMPETH.
- Go to Guatemala for missions with the organization my sister-in-law worked for.
- Tackle one biz/marketing book each quarter.
- Visit a printshop in Atlanta to learn about the process.
- Run 2 5Ks with friends or family — not by myself!
- “Shoot the ‘Hooch” (float the river) here in Atlanta!
- Have someone over for a dinner party once a quarter.
- Grow a lemon tree and/or herb garden!
- Host a themed party at our home.
- Make an acrylic painting – CHECK!
- Develop a repertoire of 12 healthy meals for our fam.
- Have a shop with intentional copywriting tools.
- Make a tool for prayer or Bible study for Ashlyn Writes shop.
- Learn Spencerian calligraphy hand!
- Figure out French braiding.
- Celebrate 1 year of marriage! – CHECK!
- … and 2 years of marriage!
- Cultivate a rose garden like my mama.
- Pray about growing a family.
- Give as much away as we spend on Christmas.
- Thank Southern Smash and tell her I needed her eating disorder story during it all.
- Study copywriting with another course – CHECK!
- Join a Bible study.
- Start a more regular tithe for our family as we figure out my new income.
- Pour into someone younger than me.
- Study the Bible the Women of the Word way – CHECK!
- Learn how to sew.
- … and French handsew from my mom.
- Visit Maine, where Wes has family!
- Save for and buy one more piece of art.
- See one concert at Red Rocks.
- Read the Magic Art of Tidying Up, and give things away – CHECK!
- Memorize 100 Bible verses.
- Find somewhere to regularly volunteer again.
- Go to two Atlanta Ballet shows a year — I NEED to experience art like this!
- Visit 3 art galleries in Atlanta.
- Make and organize a home management binder.
- Finish up 2015 photo book.
- … make 2016 photo book – CHECK!
- … and 2017 photo book.
- Finally finish college photo box!
- Make traveling ADPi consultant and first few years in ATL photo box!
If you had a list of dreamy goals to hit before your next milestone b’day, what’s on the list?
Reading Time: 3 Minutes
On the Southern Weddings/Powersheets team is a cute little lady I’ve looked up to for years. Emily Thomas blogs at Em for Marvelous, and I stumbled upon her 60 Before 30 blog post list one day. Since my 28th year starts this week, I decided to follow her lead, and craft my own 60 Before 30 list! Many of these goals are scribbled on my Powersheets and business plan, but like Emily says:
I think I might be able to help you with that fried chicken and I come with references that you know!
Miss Becky, I’m laughing so hard! If it’s Bec/Will/Ike approved, you KNOW I’d be a fan. Really, I have no idea, and mom doesn’t really know how either (she claims), so I may need to try your recipe!!
I think I might be able to help you with that fried chicken thing and I come with references that you know!
The Magic Art of Tidying up is amazing. A super quick read but a life changing idea. I would love to hear how you got started. I have a tiny Etsy shop but I really want to get into calligraphy and the business of words before my b-day in August!!
AH! Really?! Ok. It’s going on the Amazon list! I loved getting started — I’m happy to spill anything! Basically, I had been doing calligraphy on the side for about 3 years, and worked in marketing and journalism for close to a decade … Do you get my weekly email? I gave the story today, and I’m happy to forward it to you! Or fill you in on any tips. 🙂 Proud of you and your Etsy shop!
Oh gosh I love this! I’m 23 so I could really get this list going and make some progress on it! 🙂 Super inspired to write my own! Haha I love your goals and how simple and straightforward some of them are (like your scrapbooks and marriage anniversaries!). Definitely on my list: get married to my best friend, travel in Europe with my husband, grow my blog to ___ readers per month, and learn to play the cello (my favorite instrument!).