Is it possible to write your own attention-grabbing website words? How do you write words that convert more sales on your website?
I’m ‘splaining 3 of my essentials in today’s video.
Before I started teaching copywriting or developed the system I teach now, I didn’t even know what copywriting WAS … I was working in corporate marketing and just knew that I had to write words that made action happen.
I didn’t even know it was, like … a job in and of itself.
(I know.)
Fast forward to now, and I’ve helped thousands of creatives clarify their message and write their site, including Crystal, a relationship coach who just launched a BEAUTIFUL new website, and Amy, a personal chef in the Tahoe area. So proud of both of them, and excited to see their businesses grow.
Get more high-converting website examples in the AW portfolio
Here’s the thing. No one is better equipped and knows your target market, your product or service, your clients or customers, and your STORY quite like you. So if you can’t tell me why you do, what you do, the WAY you do it—different OR better than anyone else, we have a problem. We gotta figure that out.
And that is my mission.
Don’t try to whip out your own words as a DIY copywriter for your business (which you SHOULD be!) without knowing these 3 things.
Picking up what I’m putting down in this video? Be sure to grab a seat inside my FREE copywriting training!
No. 1: Dive in like a detective.
Okay, what do I mean by the Harriet the Spy-ism?
When I first started taking on website copy clients back in 2016 and writing my first business website (cringe … for a laugh), I simply did what I learned from writing copy for websites like I matched the client’s voice—or my voice!—with the information that needed to be told.
I didn’t understand what Copywriting for Creatives™ students know I harp on now—showing you how to build a client voice hacking system … a system that allows you to put your ear to the ground and LISTEN before you talk.
You may also be interested in: 6 Quick Exercises to Help You Write Your Website Copy
Think of this as a WHOLE portion of writing your conversion focused website, mmkay? It’s not a side step on your journey, it’s more or less 60% of the whole journey.
No. 2: Step away from the platform.
Yup. Close out WordPress, Showit, Squarespace, or whatever you’re working in.
Hold up your right hand and say, “I will not write my website copy in the platform itself.”
Copy dictates design.
NOT the other way around.
You’re going to be able to get clear and focused on the words if you write them in another tool, like Google Docs for example. This is also how you’re going to be able to do your very best editing and revision process. I swear it’s a whole lot easier to catch errors this way, too!
Even now, rewriting my own website copy at my level of business, I would never DREAM of just popping open the back end of my website, backspacing words, and starting to type fresh words (note: I wouldn’t dream of doing it. Have I done it on a whim in a pinch and regretted it? 150%.).
So even if you don’t know what pages you want to have or what the layout within each page will look like, start with the message. That’s so, so important.
Take a minute before we dive into the next step, and comment below—what’s your favorite platform to write in? Are you an Evernote girl, a Google Doc person? The Notes app, Scrivener? I love hearing where different people do their best-concentrated writing work.
NumberNo.3: Know copy is a science, not an art—aka be okay with ugly. 😉
Someone recently wrote in my inbox—hi out there, Stefani!—and was talking to me about website design.
I think one of my biggest soapboxes with website designers is that sometimes, conversion dies on the hill of pretty.
If you go back and nerd out, as I do, over old sales letters by famous dearly departed copywriters—they’re *kinda* ugly. My audience, and since you’re here, likely your audience, needs pretty, needs a beautiful user experience, and needs those dreamy images to feel like they can trust you. These are all UX ways for us to build trust with our people.
Let me give you a practical to-do from this tip: I can pretty much with assurance tell you your paragraphs are too thick and juicy on your website (and also in your emails). This is a SUPER simple way to start optimizing your copy—please oh please, for me, break them up. Mentally replace that voice in your head from your grammar teacher telling you that all paragraphs are 4 sentences with my voice. I’m the new paragraph voice for you. 🙂
Wanna get serious about finishing your website words that convert and being the best DIY copywriter your business has ever seen?
That’s exactly what I’ve taught thousands of creatives how to do. 🙂 Join me for my 1-hour workshop, Separate Yourself from the Pack; How to Write Your Website Words. I dive into all the actionable tips, and I’m pretty much allergic to fluff so I can promise you we’ll cut to the chase—woot!
Reading Time: 4 MinutesReading time: 4 min. Is it possible to write your own attention-grabbing website words? How do you write words that convert more sales on your website? I’m ‘splaining 3 of my essentials in today’s video. Before I started teaching copywriting or developed the system I teach now, I didn’t even know what copywriting WAS … […]
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