“I went from a general business idea and a domain name, to a fully functioning, professional site that showcases my personality and a high-end brand value, and that I feel amazing sharing with people.”
The Challenge
Tiffany Eurich had my attention from day 1—we share a mutual bond from days in journalism school on a PR track.
And cracking the code on PR as a small business to land media coverage is a tall order to tell: pay for media that you MAY or MAY NOT get? Woof.
But Tiffany shares our passion for getting the good stories out. “Call me crazy, but I think good stuff should get noticed,” Tiffany says.
Tiffany’s a great example of someone in our crew who naturally has a knack for communications—but sometimes what we do for others so easily, we have a tough time seeing for ourselves.
“There were so many options, so much to do, too many things on my plate, and Doug Syndrome (squirrel, squirrel),” Tiffany said. “My own message was generic and boring and ambiguous—I had a general idea, but I was struggling to define the specifics.”
Funnily enough, it was our Brand Voice Vibe quiz that roped her in to Ashlyn Writes-land: “In truth, the response to the brand voice quiz was so spot on that it freaked me out—in a good way,” Tiffany said.
Tiffany knew that getting an outsider’s perspective would help, and jumped into the Copywriting for Creatives family.
“Ashlyn is both smart and sincere, and everything she touches turns to gold. I was WAITING for CfC to open so I could give Ashlyn my money.”
The Solution
Copywriting for Creatives helped messaging queen Tiffany get OUT of her own way, hit the pause button on spinning messages for other, and spend time doing it for her own brand.
“CfC is the single best investment I’ve made for my business to date.”
“The blend of research and practical info, and Ashlyn’s live Facebook calls” were integral to Tiffany piecing together her brand messaging and folding it into the website copy on her site today.
“If I’d only learned how to niche down and articulate the purpose and differentiating features of my business, it would have been worth it.”
After working through the content, Tiffany got her messaging up and out to the world on her website.
The Visual
The Results
In just months after taking CfC in 2019, she saw major gains—but what we LOVE to see is how she hasn’t had to tear down messaging annually … even WITH the curveballs of 2020 and 2021.
Sustainable, bedrock messaging forms the basis of Tiffany’s sales copy, which is a delight to read.
“I went from a general business idea and a domain name, to a fully functioning, professional site that showcases my personality and a high-end brand value, and that I feel amazing sharing with people,” Tiffany said.
“Plus, I know that I have all the tools and knowledge available to write anything I need for my site in the future.”
“Ashlyn is both the girl-next-door that you just want to hang out with, and a savvy, confident business woman … that you also just want to hang out with. She has obviously worked hard to learn and teach with excellence, and I respect that. I appreciate that she doesn’t hold info back—what she knows, she shares.”
From one PR-lover to another, we’re so impressed with you, Tiffany. Keep teaching us all how to rack up those coveted “as seen in” logos!